Alternator Service in Ottawa, KS

Is your battery constantly dying? Your car’s systems rely on electricity from your battery, but if it’s never getting charged, then it’s only a matter of time before your vehicle winds up dead. If you’re having electrical issues, then there’s a good chance that your alternator is the problem. When you visit our service department at Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Ottawa, our mechanics will be able to investigate the issue for you.

Open Today! Service: 7:30am-6pm Call us at: 785-648-1791

Schedule Your Alternator Service


Phone Numbers:Sales Hours:
  • Mon - Fri8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Sat8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • SunClosed
Service Hours:
  • Mon - Fri7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Sat8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • SunClosed
Parts Hours:
  • Mon - Fri8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Sat8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • SunClosed

What Does My Alternator Do?

Alternators are designed to last for years, so there’s a good chance that you haven’t thought about this part until now. Your battery can only hold a finite amount of electricity, and yet you never need to take it out of your vehicle for a recharge. This is thanks to your alternator, as it takes the mechanical energy that your vehicle generates as you drive and converts it into usable electrical energy that gets transferred to your battery. If your alternator is damaged in some way, then that might explain why your battery is suddenly dying. If you’re worried about your electrical system and you’re looking for a professional opinion, then you can visit our team at Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Ottawa. If you’re near Kansas City, Ottawa, or Topeka, then you’ll find that we’re only a short drive away.

Is My Alternator or My Battery the Problem?

When something starts to go wrong with your vehicle’s electrical system, it’s easy to blame your battery. If you notice any of the signs below though, it may actually be your alternator that’s causing the problem.

  • Strange Smells and Sounds: Your alternator relies on your serpentine belt to function. If you hear a squealing or grinding noise, or you notice that there’s a burning smell in the air, then there may be something wrong with your belt or pulley.
  • Weak or Dim Lights: You might notice that your lights are a lot dimmer than usual. If they seem to glow brighter when you hit the gas, then this is a strong sign that your alternator might be wearing out.
  • Check Your Dashboard: If your electrical system is having issues, then you may have an indicator light. This is often the first sign that you’ll notice when something is wrong.

Where Can I Get My Alternator Repaired?

If you’re tired of dealing with electrical issues, then you can schedule an appointment with our team at Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Ottawa.

  • Testing Your Battery: Within a few minutes, our mechanics will be able to let you know whether or not you need a new battery. By testing your battery with a voltmeter, our team can check if it’s still able to hold a charge.
  • Focusing on Reliability: You should be able to rely on your vehicle. When your

alternator or battery is damaged, there’s a strong chance that your model might refuse to start, as your starter isn’t going to have enough electricity to start your engine. Once our mechanics have finished repairing your model, you should be able to trust that it’ll turn on when you turn your key.



If you’re experiencing electrical issues, then you can solve them today by scheduling a service with our team at Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Ottawa.

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Victory Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM of Ottawa 38.57924, -95.26322.